Feedback received from EMMA users
We are continuously working to improve our services, to better meet your needs. We therefore appreciate all kinds of feedback based on your experience with us.Feedback received for our archiving service
Users that have provided a mutant strain to be archived at EMMA will receive, once the archiving is completed, an invitation to provide feedback including a link to our feedback form.
The table below shows the average marks provided for the different aspects in the feedback form. Response rate: 9%.
The whole process from initial enquiries to shipment was excellent.
Absolutely wonderful process. The shipment of the cauda was simple and efficient as well as cheap.
Feedback received for our distribution service
Users that have received a mutant strain from EMMA will receive an invitation to provide feedback including a link to our feedback form.
The table below shows the average marks provided for the different aspects in the feedback form. Response rate: 6%.
Overall a very pleasant experience.
Good service and good communication